is ranked number 1 as the most popular website in the eCommerce & Shopping category in January 2023. The average amount of time that users spend on the website is 00:07:00 minutes, and they see, on average, 9.33 pages per visit. It's no secret that you can pretty much find anything you could possibly want or need on Amazon! Amazon is a $1 TRILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS! When you're scrolling through your favorite TikTok videos, IG reels; following your favorite social media influencers, mommy bloggers, YouTubers and content creators, I'm sure you often view posts about some of their favorite products and finds! You know? That new trending TikTok find or influencer must have.. Yep, 9 times out of 10 it's most likely something they found on Amazon! When content creators post their favorite finds on social media, if you pay close attention; you may notice that the link to the product most likely has what's called a "tracking ID" in it, also known as ...